About Luke Tabor
Archery has been a passion of mine since I was 2 years old. My father made my first longbow out of hickory and backed it with rattlesnake skin. Shortly thereafter, I began traveling the country with him participating in trick archery demo's. Me and my siblings all started shooting in the demo's at a young age, often shooting balloons out of dad's fingers, or out of a spinning tire.
I grew up with zero restrictions on when I could have my bow. I can't remember a time without it. I must have shot millions of arrows as a kid. Aside from the trick archery demo's, I traveled to almost all 50 states and Canada as a child, filming for my father's TV show 'Team Dominion". This led to me learning filming and editing skills at a young age. I believe I edited my first film at 10 years old when me and my best friend, Trent, made a production of a rabbit hunt with our bows. Man, I wish I could find that footage!
I was afforded lots of unique opputunities as a kid, such as being the youngest person to ever kill a tundra swan with traditional archery equipment. By the age of 10 I was allowed to climb in a deer stand alone, or go squirrel hunting with my .22 so long as I returned before dark. My childhood was filled with constant hunting adventure.
Throughout my teen years, I stayed heavily involved in archery. Competing in my first archery competition, in the mens division, by the age of 12. I started my first YouTube channel at 15, that same year taking my first turkey with my longbow. I shot competitively all throughout highschool and ultimately settled on going to Liberty University to study pre-law, solely because of an invite from the head coach to come be on the archery team.
These days I still enjoy competing. I spend my time here in NC hunting, filming, and pursuing helping others to do the same. I travel the country doing trick archery demo's where I shoot apples off folks heads and candles out of their teeth! My main goal is to promote education through entertainment to help share the truth about the hunting, fishing, and shooting sports. I film for YouTube full time, make all the arrows we sell in house, as well as quivers and other various items. If you would like to support me and my mission, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and share it with your buddies! Thank you for taking the time to visit my site. -Luke Tabor